School Office

The office is staffed by:

  • Mrs Janet McKay – Secretary
  • Mrs Adams– Finance Administrator
  • Mrs Grange – Pupil Welfare

The office is open between the hours of 8.30 – 16.15 Monday to Friday, term time only.

Payments to school

For general payments to school please use ‘Swift Kitchens’.  This system allows you to track all your payments to the school more easily.


As we begin this system, we will continue to accept cash or cheque payments too.  Logins have been sent to all parents (by separate letter); Mrs Adams can provide any support for parents to set themselves up with Parent Pay if this is needed.

We do hope that this system will help a number of you to make necessary payments more easily. We are always open to feedback with how this system works, especially as it has the potential to be extended to other payments (for example, trips and uniform) in time to come if successful. Thank you for your support.

School Communication

The school uses a text and email system to keep in touch with parents and carers – please ensure you keep the office up-to-date with any changes of mobile phone numbers or email addresses. Thank you.

Requests for copies of school information.  If you require any hard copies of policies or other school information get in touch with the school office who will arrange this for you.