School Council

Head Girl and Head Boy

Each year we choose two children to be our Head Girl and Head Boy.  The Head Girl and Head Boy are chosen to represent the school and act as role models for other children.  Many things are taken into consideration when choosing our Head Girl and Head Boy, including attendance, thoughtfulness and care for others, attitude to learning, positivity and perseverance.  The Head Girl and Head Boy carry out a wide range of duties over the year including assemblies, showing visitors around our school, representing the school at events and special occasions.

House Captains

All our pupils belong to one of our house teams: Joshua, Southgate, Smith and Pendleton and house captains are picked from our Year 6 class.

School Council

The School Council meets, with a teacher present, to discuss how we can improve our learning environment and support our local community. They also talk about how we can raise funds for our school as well as local and national charities.