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Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome to our school website. We hope that you will find it a useful place to gain an insight into and flavour of Alban Wood.
Our school is a busy and stimulating place to learn, where individual talents are nurtured and achievements celebrated. We have high expectations of all children in all aspects of school life. The ethos we aim to create is one full of RESPECT, KINDNESS and AMBITION.
We hugely value the importance of home-school partnerships and hope that all parents and families using this website will be regularly coming in to school too where they will be warmly welcomed.
Information on this website includes our Vision and Values, key school policies, our curriculum, our curriculum drivers, newsletters, events and dates, information about our After School and Breakfast clubs, and a wide range of photographs spanning these areas. We hope that you will enjoy finding out more.
Alban Wood Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children: our child protection policy and procedures and safer recruitment practices are rigorously implemented.
If you would like a paper copies of any of the documents on this website please contact the school office. Policies not published on this website are also available from the school office, free of charge.