School Uniform
The school’s uniform supplier is ‘Mapac. Visit their website to find out more, about them and their opening times.
MAPAC Shop address: 11, Mowat Industrial Estate, Sandown Road, Watford, WD24 7UZ
Alban Wood is proud of its identity and children are expected to wear the school uniform when attending school or participating in a school organised event outside normal school hours.
Articles of clothing have been chosen that are either readily available at local superstores/department stores or through the school uniform shop. Uniform order forms are available from Mapac.
Our policy for school uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:
- Promotes a sense of pride in the school
- Engenders a sense of community and belonging towards the school
- Is practical and smart
- Makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
- Is regarded as suitable wear for school and is considered by parents as good value for money
- Is designed with health and safety in mind
The school uniform is:
- Red sweatshirt, fleece or cardigan
- White/red polo shirt or white shirt
- Black trousers, short or skirts
- Black pinafore or red checked summer dress
- Black, sensible shoes (no heels and not slip on)
Sweatshirts, fleeces and cardigans with the school logo are available to purchase from MAPAC , along with: PE T shirt and shorts, book bags, caps and drawstring kit bags. Other uniform items are widely available in local supermarkets and shops.
The PE kit is:
- A red T shirt
- Black shorts or jogging bottoms
- Plimsolls or outdoor black trainers
- Long sleeve track suits for winter
Please make sure that all children’s clothing is named.
Iron-on name tapes can be bought in most supermarkets.
Second Hand Uniform
We have second hand uniform available at school. This is overseen by our PTA where a second hand uniform stall will have uniform available after school at different points thorough out the year. The school will ask for a donation from parents who take uniform, but this is discretionary.