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Nursery pupils...
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Nursery! We hope you enjoyed the summer. The children have already made a good start in Nursery. We are looking forward to working with your children and taking their first steps into school life.
Please note Nursery school times are as follows:
15 hour children 9.00am -12.00pm
30 hour children 9.00am – 3.00pm
It can be very hard for the children if you are late dropping off and collecting.
Autumn Term
This term we will begin by learning about ‘Ourselves’ and exploring feelings. We will be linking the books “The Tell – Me Tree” and Colour Me Happy Colour Me Sad”. We will explore the book and “Owl Babies”. We have a special friend in Nursery who has come from the deepest darkest Peru who is looking to find some friends. Later on in the term we will also be learning about the Harvest Festival. We will explore Autumn and link our learning with Animals that Hibernate, Remembrance Day, Diwali, Fireworks and Christmas. If you have any books, photographs that would support our learning this term please bring them in (Please make sure they are named). If you celebrate any of these festivals and would like to come into class and share with children please speak to the teachers.
Kind Regards
Nursery Team
Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome to the Reception Page of the Alban Wood Website, we are very excited to be part of your child’s learning.
We use Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and plan our days around the seven areas of learning. Our time in school is packed full of different opportunities and we encourage children to investigate, explore and be independent. Our Topic this half term (September to October half term) is ‘All about me’.
Within the Reception Class, learning takes place both indoors and outdoors – so please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing – At this time of year sun hats but also waterproof coats!
Please keep updating Tapestry with homework and any experiences your child has at home so that they can share these with their friends.
If you have any queries or concerns please speak to a member of the class team, you can do this at drop off or collection or if it is a matter which needs a longer conversation please speak to the office and we will arrange a convenient time, or you can email the link below and they will forward it on to us.
Things to remember
- Everything needs to be named!
- PE is on a Wednesday, but children need a PE kit in school every day
- Named water bottles should be in school every day
- Please provide your child with a spare set of clothes in their bag
Thank you!
Mrs Harrop, Mrs Sayell, Miss Sturman-Smith, Miss Connor
Reception Team
Welcome back! We hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and are ready for the new term!
Autumn Term
- Art: Drawing: Developing observational drawing skills when exploring mark-making.
- Computing: Computing systems and networks.
- Design Technology: Structures: Constructing a windmill. Mechanisms: Exploring sliders and movement
- English: ‘Jack and the Jelly Bean Stalk’, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and ‘Our Trip to the Woods’
- Geography: What is it like here?
- History: How am I making history?
- Maths: addition and subtraction within 10, shape and place value within 10, then within 20.
- PE: Ball skills, gymnastics and locomotion.
- Science: Ourselves.
For more information about what we are learning, please see our 2024-2025 Year 1 Curriculum Overview.
Homework Grid
This half term you will receive a homework grid. This gives you some ideas of activities you can do with your child at home which will contribute to their learning in school. Please choose one activity to do each week and return the grid to Year 1 class each Wednesday, adults please sign the task that has been completed. Please ensure your child is completing the task with their own writing. Reading regularly with your child at home will also support them to develop confidence and fluency; there are questions in each book to support your child with their comprehension too. Please ensure that your child has their Reading Book in school every day.
Please remember to leave PE kits at school throughout the week. One session a week is outside so please ensure your child has velcro trainers or plimsolls and spare socks in their bag. Please ensure all these items, as well as school uniform, are named. For safety reasons, we tape over earrings, so if your child wears earrings, you may prefer to remove them on PE days. PE lessons will take place on Mondays and Thursdays.
Please ensure that cardigans, jumpers and coats are clearly marked with your child’s name. It is important that your child has a coat with a hood for playing outside. Shoes should be suitable for running and climbing outside- no open toed shoes or lace ups (unless they can tie their own laces!); velcro fastening shoes are easiest for the children to change independently. If your child wears earrings, please make sure they are studs, for safety reasons.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns, we are at the classroom door each morning and afternoon or you can leave a message with the office and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs Richards and Mrs Herbert
Welcome to the Year 2 section of the Alban Wood webpage.
Our Topic this half Term is London, where we will be focusing on Geography, History and Art. We will research London before diving into its History and the Great Fire of London.
In Maths we will be focusing on: Numbers to 20; Place value, Counting on and back in 1s and 10s; Ordering and comparing numbers up to 100; Estimation Addition and subtraction to 20; Number bonds to 10 and 100; Adding and subtraction 1 and 2 digit numbers; Finding part of a whole; Money; Comparing numbers using mathematical terms and measuring.
In English we will be looking at the story of ‘That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown by Cressida Cowell’ and ‘Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend by Mélanie Watt’. We will be focussing on the correct use of capital letters, full stops and making sure a sentence makes sense.
Our Science Topic will be materials, the children will: Identify and Classify different objects based on their material; Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made; Identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick/rock, and paper/cardboard for particular uses.
If you need to speak to us please use the contact us button on the Year 2 page and we will reply by email, call you or arrange an appointment to speak to you at a more appropriate time.
PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday but children need to have PE kits in school every day.
Mrs Hopper, Miss Woodland and Mrs Stacey
Year 3 pupils…
We hope you had a fantastic summer and welcome back!
Save the date! Our class trip to the Chiltern Open Air Museum will take place on Friday 4th October. We will be taking part in the life in the Stone Age and tool making workshops, packed with activities. A letter to parents has been sent home already – please contact the office if you need another copy.
Our trip gives us a real insight into our history topic this term – the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will study the earliest humans: their homes and shelters, their diet and how the menu changed once we became farmers, and research perhaps the most famous ancient monument in England – Stonehenge. Other highlights in our learning this term include our Science topic, which is animals including humans. We shall become specialists who know all about nutrition, diet, muscles, bones, joints and movement. We will use this learning to design a savoury tart using seasonal ingredients in Design and Technology. In Maths we will recap place value, moving on to mental strategies for addition and subtraction and then written strategies including column method. We will cover multiplication and division after half term. In music, we will be playing glockenspiel and beginning to use notation.
PE lessons take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Year 3 play rounders, tag rugby, football and perform gymnastics. Please ensure that your child has their kit in school on these days.
A homework sheet goes home on Mondays, due in the following Monday. One side is grammar-based and the other maths. This work is extra practice at something we have already covered in class the same week. If your child has any difficulty remembering a method or vocabulary please do let me know – feedback is valuable and I can recap in class or 1 to 1 to ensure understanding. We mark homework as a class on a Monday afternoon.
There is an expectation that pupils read a colour scheme book at least three times per week, if possible to an adult, and change their scheme book at least once per week. Reading is the foundation of all other learning – excellence in almost any academic subject requires strong reading. It is the single most important skill you can practise with your child. Many thanks for your support with this key skill for life.
Mrs Thomas, Mrs Hopper, and Mrs Stacey
Year 4 pupils…
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back to school!
I am looking forward to getting to know the class and settling them into Year 4. To cover my PPA time, Mrs Hopper will be taking the class on a Wednesday afternoon. Mrs Vessy is our class TA.
Each week the children will need their full P.E. kits on a Monday and Wednesday and I am asking that children leave their kits in school. We will then send them home to be washed at half term.
Every Monday homework tasks will be given to the children, focusing on essential skills. This needs to be completed and returned to school by the following Monday and we will go through the questions in class. In addition, Times Tables are a key focus in Year 4 and every child should spend some time each week practicing their times tables skills. All children have their own log in to our online programme, TT Rockstars, which they are also able to access on home devices.
Reading is a vital skill and helps children across the entire curriculum. Please read as often as possible with your child, aiming for them to read aloud with an adult at least 3 times each week. I would expect this to continue even when your child is a ‘free’ reader as the process of reading aloud really helps with their comprehension and developing writing skills.
In addition to our English and Maths lessons, we have lots of exciting topics coming up within our foundation subjects such as investigating rainforests in geography and learning about the Ancient Maya in history. I am sure that the class will also enjoy the projects planned across Art and D and T. In P.E. we will be working with the children on a variety of skills this term including gymnastics, tri-golf, fitness and netball. In Science, they will be looking at electricity and animals including humans.
If you have any queries or concerns, please speak with me at the end of the day or phone the school office and I will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I am looking forward to the year ahead with you and your children.
Melanie White
Year 4 Teacher
Year 5 pupils…
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome back!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer holiday and managed to get away either to the countryside or on a holiday to far away seas. I hope you are looking forward to the new academic year and all of the excitement that it brings. I am looking forward to welcoming the children back and starting our Year 5 journey.
We will be extremely busy in the Autumn term adapting to our new curriculum. In history, we will be looking at the vikings and deciding if they were raiders, settlers or traders. In geography, we will be looking at what life is like in the alps. We will also look at interactive installations in art and 3D sculptures. In DT, children study and create their own electrical systems .
In the Spring term, we will be looking at the Mayan hierarchy and the gods, and assessing how their achievements impacted their society and beyond. In geography, we will be looking at the role that oceans play in our lives and discussing if they are really important. In Art, we will be looking at the space era of the 1950’s and 60’s and combining drawing techniques with printmaking to create futuristic images. In D.T, we will be making a pop up book focusing on mechanical systems.
In the summer term, we will be looking at the census and the history of our local area. In geography, we will be supplementing this by looking at why populations change and making comparisons to our current population. In D.T pupils will be focusing on cooking and nutrition and developing their own recipe.In Art, pupils will create portraits using mixed media.
Our P.E lessons will be on Tuesdays and Fridays so please ensure that your child has their P.E kit on these days.The class will be covered by Mrs Richards on a Wednesday afternoon, where they will study Music/Spanish and R.E.
Homework tasks will continue to be posted on the google classroom on Fridays and will be due on Thursday. There will be an English task and a maths task which will be related to what the children have been learning in class. Should you or your child have any questions about the homework, please let me know before the Thursday it is due.
If you have any queries or concerns, please speak with me at the end of the day or call the office and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mr Severin
Year 6 pupils…
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 is an incredibly important year for the children, pushing them to reach their academic potential but also to gain experiences and develop personally, ready for the next stage of their journey beyond Alban Wood.
P.E. is on a Monday and Friday and children will require their full kit, including trainers.
Homework will be set, completed and turned in via Google Classroom and will be based on skills we have been practising in class. All children will know how their login details and how to access these tasks.
As last year, the class will be using chromebooks in school to aid their learning. These must be in school and charged every day so they can be utilised effectively.
It is vital that we work together to ensure that all children have their most successful year yet. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or queries. You can arrange an appointment with the School Office.
Year 6 Class Teacher
Key Stage Two Phase Leader